Monday, August 4, 2014

Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss or Alopecia though less prevalent in women than in men is still seen quite often. For men hair loss can be difficult but brings an air of maturity with it but in women hair loss can devastating.

One of the most common conditions causing hair loss in both men and women is called Telogen Effluvium.  In this condition there is an overall shedding of hair of the head and body.  This condition usually begins suddenly with hair loss continuing for around six months and then the hair loss stops and hair density is regained.  

Telogen Effluvium is caused by the reaction of the body to intense stress, hormonal changes or medication.  As this condition appears a while after its trigger it is hard to relate it to its cause in the first place.  Some women with Telogen Effluvium can be diagnosed as neurotic or over anxious.  A lot of people go through this condition at one time or another in their life, either caused by sickness, stress or as a side-effect to a medication.  Hair lost due to Telogen Effluvium re-grows when the stress or or trigger is removed.

Another very common cause of hair loss in women is Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic Alopecia commonly known as Male Pattern Baldness is referred to as Female Pattern Baldness when occurring in women.  This condition occurs in a set pattern and in women it is characterized by an overall thinning of hair on the front and top of the head. Hair loss in women due to Androgenetic Alopecia is related to their hereditary and hormonal changes. It affects approximately 50% of women over the age of 40.  It can also affect women below 40.  But after menopause this condition can affect as many as 75% of women.  Although in women Androgenetic Alopecia does not cause complete baldness but in some post-menopausal women hair loss is more severe and may come close to baldness.
Anagen Effluvium is a pathological condition causing hair loss.  This condition is the result of chemotherapy and radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer.  The hair loss is reversed when the treatment is discontinued.

Another cause of hair loss in women is called Alopecia Areata commonly known as spot baldness.  In this condition small patches of hair fall off and leave the head with small bald spots ranging in size from a small chickpea to a large circular patch and in some rare cases loss of hair is complete.  This condition is caused by the body’s immune system attacking the hair follicle causing hair loss.  This condition usually rights itself within months but sometimes spontaneous recovery may take years.

A condition known as Trichotillomania affects close to 3.4% women.  It is a psychological disorder where a person feels compelled to pull out her/his own hair during times of stress or depression.  This condition may cause thinning of hair or bald spots or may progress to a completely bald head. Trichotillomania when chronic can be difficult to treat.

A rare disorder known as Cicatrical Alopecia affects men and women of all ages and races. It is a devastating and permanent type of hair loss where hair follicles get destroyed and form scar tissue beneath the skin.  This condition may form small bald patches or may even cover the head. Unfortunately there is no cure found for this condition as yet.

photo credit: Helga Weber via photopin cc

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