Saturday, July 19, 2014

Information About Male Hair Loss

Male Hair loss - Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic Alopecia is a medical condition that is the most common cause of hair loss for males and females. This is also called male pattern baldness. The thinning of hair and then the fall of hair often starts at the temple of the person. 

As the person ages, the hair line further recedes. Hair loss also begins to happen at the crown of the head. At the side is a picture of common hair loss patterns. Each stage of hair loss can progress to the next.

One of the best news is that hair loss doesn't mean you are going to be bald when you grow older. It is very rare for male pattern baldness to result in a complete hair less individual. Even if you are affected by hair loss, there are variety of treatments you can use to stop hair loss, thinning hair, and baldness. You may even grow some of your hair back

Leading Cause Of Male Hair Loss

There are many factors that causes hair loss. In fact, we do not know enough about the causes of hair loss that we can create a cure for it. We do have theories and acceptable hypothesis on the causes of male hair loss. It is generally accepted that the leading cause of hair loss is hereditary. 

Male hair loss is caused by an androgen called DHT. A lot of hair follicles in men are very sensitive to DHT as they grow older. DHT attaches itself to hair follicles and prevents the hair follicle from getting nutrients such as vitamins and minerals from the blood stream. As time passes by, the hair follicles cannot get the required nutrients they need to live and grow. So the hair strands shrink and they gradually die.

Here is an analogy to simplify how DHT works. We eat food to grow strong and to survive. It is the same with our hair, our hair needs food to grow strong and survive. However, DHT prevents our hair from getting food. So what happens if a human being doesn't eat? That human being will die. It is the same thing with your hair. DHT prevents your hair from eating and so they die.

There are many products that can help with DHT unfortunately they can't fully stop it or prevent it. Products like hair loss shampoo, minoxidl, vitamins and minerals can help stop DHT but the results vary from person to person.

What You Need To Do If You Are Experiencing Male Hair Loss

The first thing you need to do is not to stress over it. The more you stress, the more your hair will fall out. Whether or not you choose to accept male hair loss is up to you. But one thing you must keep in mind, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just because you are losing your hair doens't mean you are not attractive.

Hair loss affects 95% of the males all over the world. There are lots of Hollywood actors who are experiencing severe and excessive hair loss but they still look good in real life and in the movies. So losing your hair doesn't necessarily mean you will no longer be attractive. It also doesn't mean girls won't like you anymore. There are plenty of pua (pick up artists) that are bald. In fact, one of the things that they will teach you in picking up women in clubs for one night stands is that physical appearance plays very little role in getting the girl. 

It is all about how you handle yourself and how you make the women feel. So experiencing hair loss isn't the end of the world. You can still get the girl, you can still look good. A lot of guys look better when they are bald too so keep that in mind.

Why not just accept hair loss. I'm not saying don't fight it. There are plenty of people who regained most of their hair. I'm just saying that accept the fact that this is happening to you and that there is a possibility that you will not win the fight. Even if you do not win the fight, you can still look good and still be able to attract women. There is no need to be depress. Even if you are down, be sure to pick yourself up.

photo credit: Public Places via photopin cc

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