Tuesday, July 29, 2014

You Can Keep Your ‘Hair’ On – With PROPECIA

It may start with a few extra hairs in your comb and end up making you look decades older than your years. Hair loss is a fact most men learn to live with but not anymore.  With PROPECIA an FDA approved drug on the market men with male pattern baldness MPB do not have to come to terms with baldness because now they have a choice.

What Is Male Pattern Baldness?

Male pattern baldness is the predominant type of hair loss in men and accounts for 95% of all male hair loss.  It advances in a predictable progression starting with the receding hair line and thinning of hair at the crown and ending up with a fringe of hair around the back of the head.  PROPECIA specifically targets the cause of Male Pattern Baldness stops hair loss and even promotes re-growth!


After a five year clinical study PROPECIA is the only ‘take-one-a-day’ tablet that has been approved by the FDA as a treatment for hair loss in men due to Male Pattern Baldness.
PROPECIA (finasteride) checks the male hormone Testosterone from converting into DHT (dihydrotestosterone).  Dihydrotestosterone has been linked to hair fall in men genetically predisposed to Male Pattern Baldness.

Each hair grows from a hair follicle which is a sac like structure embedded in the skin and contains the live part of the hair.  DHT reduces the size of the hair follicle until it is unable to support healthy visible hair.  PROPECIA inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha reductase from converting testosterone into DHT thus treating hair loss at the very basic level of hormones.

The 5 years clinical study of PROPECIA showed the efficacy and safety of the drug on 1,553 men aged between 18-41 years with mild to moderate hair loss.  9 out of 10 men who took PROPECIA showed visible result assessed by an independent panel of dermatologists.  Out of those taking PROPECIA 48% showed visible re-growth measured by hair count and 42% showed no further hair loss.  As compared to the men taking PROPECIA all men on the placebo (sugar pill) exhibited hair loss.  Majority of men on PROPECIA reported slowing down of hair loss, improvement in the appearance of hair and reduction in the size of the bald spot. A large majority of men taking PROPECIA were pronounced improved by doctors.  PROPECIA showed significant improvement in both the crown area and the hairline.

Another positive result of PROPECIA is that it grows healthy natural hair and not light fuzz.
PROPECIA like any other prescription drug should be taken with your doctor’s consent.  PROPECIA comes in 1mg tablets which should be taken daily with a glass of water with or without food.  The PROPECIA tablet should be only taken by men with no liver complications.

PROPECIA only treats hair loss in men and does not treat female hair loss.  PROPECIA should NOT be taken by women or children.  It is only advised for men over 18 and should be prescribed by a medical practitioner.

Finally after long and hard searches by mankind for a cure for hair loss Merck has come up with PROPECIA a true cure for men facing hair loss and baldness handed over to them through hereditary.  Now with PROPECIA men have a choice, they can keep their hair on!

photo credit: FotoRita [Allstar maniac] via photopin cc

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