Monday, July 14, 2014

Biotin Hair Growth Hype! Does Biotin Work for Hair Growth?

Biotin Hair Growth Hype! Does Biotin Work for Hair Growth?

The Information You Need To Know. Discover The
Relationship Between Biotin And Hair

Biotin does work in the quality and growth of hair. There have been numerous research and experiments that proves this case. Supplements especially vitamins that belong to the Vitamin B group can help grow hair and stop hair loss. So having Biotin as a supplement isn't a bad idea. Although results do vary. There are people who grew a lot of hair and there are that didn't see any difference. However, Biotin isn't enough. We need a lot of other nutrients and vitamins in order to help our hair grow or stop hair loss. 

Studies have shown that Lab mice that lack B6 and Biotin in their diet, lose patches of their hair. The lab mice were purposely given meals that do not have any B6 and Biotin. 

However, once they are given biotin and B6, all of the hair on the mice grew back again. These studies shows us that biotin does play a huge role in hair loss and hair growth. Skin care experts, doctors and hair loss physicians recommend supplements like biotin in order to combat hair loss and regrow some hair. Supplements are very natural and most of the time they do not contain any side effects or adverse effects.

One thing that I did notice was that taking too much Biotin per day did give my facial skin more pimples. The pimples were big, they were cystic pimples. So if you are taking Biotin and you are getting a lot of pimples and your acne is breaking out, you should most likely stop.

Like always, I recommend that you consult your physician before taking any supplements. Like all supplements, they may conflict with the medication you are taking or with any medical condition that you have. If you are pregnant or nursing a baby, ask a doctor before using any supplement like biotin.

Brands Of Biotin For Hair Growth

There are many brands of biotin since there are many companies selling dietary supplements. Here are just some of the widely known ones and some of them are also very inexpensive.

1. NOW Foods Biotin 5000mcg, 120 Vcaps  - This is the most inexpensive biotin supplement I found. This contains 120 vegicaps. After a year, I still have some left. This is 5000 mcg which is very potent and very powerful. I don't really use it everyday but some people do so the less expensive the better.

2. Spring Valley - Biotin 5000 Mcg, Super Potency, 120 Capsules  - Another very inexpensive biotin supplement. This one is from spring valley and it is 5000 mcg also which is very potent and very powerful.

3. Nature's Bounty, Super Potency Biotin, 5000mcg, 60-Count (Pack of 2)  - This is also very inexpensive. It comes out to 13 cents per capsule. Which can also be pretty expensive after continued use.

photo credit: chris zerbes via photopin cc

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